Here you will find a list of security centric articles for business owners, operators, and security management personnel.
In today’s world cars are no longer just simple vehicles but have evolved into computers on wheels. Today, a car can perform most, if not all the functions of a mobile phone by using radars, cameras, calls to full scale infotainment systems.
Modern days have created a shift from traditional homes towards Smart Homes encompassed with a variety of connected IoT devices. With these connected devices comes the challenge of safety and security in todays connected cyber world.
As you begin securing your cloud environment, here are some guidelines and tips on best security practices that are AWS centric but can be applied to other cloud providers as well.dsdda da sd asdss asdss asdss as dss
The following outlines a list of software that have been developed in cloud security auditing for optimizing security in Amazon Web Services (AWS) platforms.
The following outlines a list of software that have been developed in cloud security auditing for optimizing security in Google Cloud platforms.
The following outlines a list of software that have been developed in cloud security auditing for optimizing security in Microsoft Azure platforms.
Behind your web application lies databases that contain usernames, passwords, and critical client data. These databases should be very robustly protected, and security measures should be implemented to do so.
Your web application can be utilized to launch and store Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks that can harm your system and other visitors that then visit your web site.Con tin ue Rea di ng...Cont
Authentication is the way one proves his or her identity, allowing them to access in the cyber space the data and contents that only belong to them and that they are authorized to see or change.