In today’s world cars are no longer just simple vehicles but have evolved into computers on wheels. Today, a car can perform most, if not all the functions of a mobile phone by using radars, cameras, calls to full scale infotainment systems.
Behind all these functionalities there are several components connected to each other as well as the internet to function, provide services and we call them ECUs/TCUs depending on their architecture.
Now, since these systems are connected to the internet, cyber security plays a crucial role in safeguarding the vehicle. This includes preventing any illegitimate access or actions, delivering regular updates to those ECUs and the car crucial updates needed to function at their best and safest.
SafeKeep comes to the picture at this stage where you would like to perform checks that improve your cyber security postures related to the Off board applications, it could the web portal that keeps track of all activities of the cars and gathers all the statistics to improve the user experience or the delivery of the updates to the vehicle.
Manufacturers of Smart cars tend to trust the security in their products and also trust that the end user will not try to exploit vulnerabilities in the product. However, there are a lot of functions that can be controlled from end user’s side and as a result there are always risks involved from the end user who might perform some illegitimate actions for whatever reasons, money, hobby, impacting the reputation of your products to name a few.
Not only the risks can arise from the client’s side, but the manufacturer’s infrastructure also is so complex that we need to evaluate and try to evade risks associated with their applications. These can be the PKI Infrastructure, FTP/SFTP accounts, pre and processing of update packages to name a few.
At SafeKeep we could help you secure your Off-Board architecture by performing penetration tests and cyber security assessments. We can evaluate the risk, identify related shortcomings, and propose solutions to alleviate these findings.